#irideYEG – Bashir Mohammed

Bashir_M_TCardWhat is your commute like?

12 km – 20 minutes in the summer, 1 hour in the winter. Half bike lanes and half roads

What are some of your favourite things about Edmonton?

It’s weird.

How long have you been cycling? What got you started?

One year. I saw someone having fun on a bike. Then I went to Edmonton Bicycle Commuters who showed me how to fix my bike.

What do you like about biking in Edmonton?

I feel like a trail blazer. It hasn’t gotten big yet in Edmonton, but someday it will.

What’s your favourite place to ride for fun?

Downtown Edmonton at night.

What challenges do you face as a cyclist in Edmonton?

 Cars honking at me when I take the lane. Or racial slurs…

What would you like to see for bike infrastructure in Edmonton?

Dedicated bike lanes…

What are your thoughts on winter biking?

What made me bike through the winter was when a Shell exec jokingly told us to try and ride our bikes in the winter. I tried and I had a lot of fun.

The bike paths need to be cleared frequently. Its hit and a miss sometimes.

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